Friday, May 4, 2012

We always want the sunshine but HE knows there must be rain

”In the past I wished that I had a “copy/paste” button in my life to make many copies of my loved ones so that I would never feel pain if I lost one of them… I wished to have an “undo” button in my life, so I would correct every and each mistake I do, so I wouldn’t taste that bitterness and regret for committing sins… I also wished to have a “pause” button in my life to always freeze time in special and happy moments because I knew they don’t last forever! BUT…
Now, I know that this Dunya is nothing but a shadow under which a traveler would take some rest before completing his journey to his final destination: Al Akhirah
so why am I afraid of losing my loved ones in Dunya while I will meet them again in Jannah (in shaa Allah) where no one will ever die or cry. why I am I afraid of mistakes while they teach lessons, why I am afraid of committing sins while prophet Mohammad (sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam) said :"If you did not commit sins, Allah would sweep you out of existence and replace you by another people who would commit sins, ask for Allah's forgiveness and He would forgive them." But the most important thing is to repent to HIM why I wish that happy moments last forever while I know that hardships are necessary part of the big test in this Dunya “we always want the sunshine but HE knows there must be rain”… 
It’s true happiness in Dunya won’t last forever, neither will Hardships
“Truly after Hardship comes ease” this is a Promise from Allah
Everything is ephemeral in this Dunya, Nothing will last forever
so let’s work for our Akhirah to win Jannah where there will be no tear, no pain, no grief… just infinite happiness in shaa Allah ~ Quoted from "I am a proud Muslimah, the love of Allah is my life despite all challenges.

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